TraductorChile -
Fees for Translation Services

If you want to know the cost of a translation send me your text and I will send you a
free quote.


The cost of a translation depends of a variety of elements, so I must examine those elements before giving you a fee or the total cost of the translation.

Here you’ll find the criteria by which I establish my fees.

* I charge 25 % of the usual fee for repeated full sentences, but I will only apply the discount if the total is worthwhile.
* I charge 50% extra for urgent translations (overnight, sundays). In some cases regular clients don't have to pay extra for urgencies.
* Every translation below 2000 words is done online or with a messenger provided by the client.
* My minimum fee for international clients is USD 30- € 25 - £ 20.
* I can only accept the following currencies: USD($) -Euros(€) - UK Pounds(£) from cross border clients and Chilean Pesos($) from Chilean clients.
* These fees include a 10% of Chilean Tax for my services. Those businesses/clients that declare Tax in Chile must withhold the 10% and declare it.

Pagina Web diseñada y desarrollada con Dreamweaver
Administrador y Dueño: R. Pérez-Mongard ©2007 Derechos de Autor Ley 11723, prohibida su reproducción con fines comerciales.
Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile. F: 56-9-8-6064151

Chilean Translator
Translations Spanish Translator
English-Spanish-English freelance translator with over 40 years of experience
Business and Finance; Environment; Engineering; Building.
Since 1972